
Forum Stats
Total Threads214,654
Total Comments5,833,389
Average Score3.35
Posts / Poster1025.0526315789
Username Comments Avg. Score
EatMyKazoo 20 3.6000
Jazzhead394 15 4.8000
therocketmanbk 11 6.2727
RobPJohnson3 10 3.4000
23piper 9 1.7778
AudibleNectar 9 2.3333
Jempphan 9 3.4444
GuyutesCoat777 8 1.2500
DogsCanDance 8 6.7500
troglodyte 8 2.8750
sumodie 7 2.5714
Daddo 7 9.0000
straydogmatagram 6 3.6667
HarrisonHood 6 1.5000
Manimal 5 3.0000
Teahugger 5 5.0000
mgh2001 5 4.6000
turquOiseMountain 5 2.8000
hairy 5 9.4000
ChrisB 4 4.2500
relax_inn 4 2.0000
Blatch 4 3.2500
dreamcatcher 4 1.7500
phish_allergy 4 1.7500
RobPJohnson3 69 5.3768
23piper 61 5.2295
mgh2001 58 4.2931
Jazzhead394 56 4.7143
Jempphan 51 4.0588
EatMyKazoo 51 4.6863
jibler 46 1.5217
sumodie 42 2.9286
Hari_Hood 41 1.8049
dreamcatcher 37 3.2973
JamChaser 36 2.3611
onepointfour 35 4.5714
therocketmanbk 34 6.8824
GuyutesCoat777 33 2.3636
mixolydian 31 4.0000
roverandom 30 6.3000
JeremyHillaryBoob_PhD 30 4.8667
relax_inn 29 2.8621
thefourthcolour13 29 3.0345
HarrisonHood 29 3.5517
iMPOUND 29 2.9310
dscott 26 3.5385
strikly_commerical 26 4.0769
Midcoaster 24 4.5833
krivraq 24 3.2917
RobPJohnson3 296 5.2669
Jazzhead394 273 5.3516
GuyutesCoat777 260 2.4269
Jempphan 228 3.6579
dreamcatcher 205 2.8829
23piper 200 4.8500
therocketmanbk 196 6.3469
jibler 191 2.6545
mgh2001 190 4.6211
onepointfour 155 3.6645
sumodie 154 3.9935
EatMyKazoo 150 5.6267
relax_inn 146 4.5274
MisterClean 141 2.1277
iMPOUND 136 2.5294
Beacon_Of_Light 133 5.7519
Hari_Hood 124 1.9516
MomentsandSeconds 120 4.7500
dscott 116 3.8362
mixolydian 116 3.8190
JeremyHillaryBoob_PhD 113 4.7345
JamChaser 109 2.9266
thefourthcolour13 108 4.8981
Daddo 99 4.0808
wombatboy 97 3.1134
XXXGAK_GAK_GAKXXX 40184 4.0730
Just_Ivy 37816 3.1591
Joonze 37374 2.6993
Jempphan 35641 4.4149
MiguelSanchez 34736 3.6691
EvenCarlSagan 34537 4.0777
DaleCooper 33468 7.1452
NICUR2HI 33251 2.8539
lbag420 31926 3.2620
frankstallone 31394 6.5450
chumprock 30373 6.0061
MomentsandSeconds 30288 2.9291
jibler 30195 3.0536
JamChaser 30088 2.6902
SkyTrainWand 29753 3.1322
CamJack 29745 3.4120
careful_w_that_axe_Miller 29640 2.5717
ZapRowsdower 27846 4.2229
Geedleboo 27725 4.5717
SufferinSmokeaStash 27444 4.1697
LoboJoe 26707 4.5361
Choda 24538 5.1139
JargonX 23995 4.3791
RobPJohnson3 23875 5.6335
fhqwhgads 23681 2.5037
Thread Score Author
Things America is Dead Last In 43 Daddo
Things America is Dead Last In 29 JeremyHillaryBoob_PhD
R&R Hall of Fame y'all come ON!!!! 22 XXXGAK_GAK_GAKXXX
FULL SHOW VIDEO - Trey Anastasio 3/8/25 ----> 21 JayAnastasio
Things America is Dead Last In 19 strikly_commerical
RC: Dosing for Ringo at the Ryman 17 Jazzhead394
Hey!!! There’s a Trey show tonight!!! 15 c_wallob
Things America is Dead Last In 15 el_jefe420
Things America is Dead Last In 14 therocketmanbk 14 hairy 14 Teahugger
FULL SHOW VIDEO - Trey Anastasio 3/8/25 ----> 13 DogsCanDance 13 weewaw 13 hairy 13 onepointfour 13 RobPJohnson3 13 roverandom
R&R Hall of Fame y'all come ON!!!! 13 melt_the_tek9
R&R Hall of Fame y'all come ON!!!! 13 Rebas_Grandpa
Things America is Dead Last In 12 week_of_pog 12 mikh2wg 12 hosemasterflex 12 FunkyBdawg
****Official Trump 2.0 Thread v2**** 12 DogsCanDance
****Official Trump 2.0 Thread v2**** 12 therocketmanbk
Today I begin a new journey 75 CamJack
Things America is Dead Last In 43 Daddo
***Official Trump 2.0 Thread*** 39 23piper
****Official Trump 2.0 Thread v2**** 37 Phart_Door
***Official Trump 2.0 Thread*** 35 colors_in_the_void
Hey!!! There’s a Trey show tonight!!! 30 MomentsandSeconds
Things America is Dead Last In 29 JeremyHillaryBoob_PhD
The Big Lebowski 03/06/98 28 EatMyKazoo
FULL SHOW VIDEO - Trey Anastasio 3/8/25 ----> 28 JayAnastasio
The Big Lebowski 03/06/98 27 Jeremydude
Stash to the Trash 27 23piper
***Official Trump 2.0 Thread*** 26 aeroshady
****Official Trump 2.0 Thread v2**** 26 Jempphan
***Official Trump 2.0 Thread*** 25 dreamcatcher
Your controversial Phish opinions, round 2 24 norgius
***Official Trump 2.0 Thread*** 24 Chubbbs
***Official Trump 2.0 Thread*** 24 therocketmanbk
TREY + CHER = LOVE 24 JamChaser
Phish Tattoos 23 gayphortrey420
****Official Trump 2.0 Thread v2**** 22 Phart_Door
The Big Lebowski 03/06/98 22 Pool_Pond
TREY + CHER = LOVE 22 CanIlivewhileimcodyyoung
R&R Hall of Fame y'all come ON!!!! 22 XXXGAK_GAK_GAKXXX
Phish opening for the GD 21 RobPJohnson3
Today I begin a new journey 75 CamJack
Phish Nominated for Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame 65 WinnipegGroove
I need to vent, please. TL;DR inside. 65 ProfJibboo
Depression Support Thread 55 YouEnjoyMyApparatus
Free stream of Pork Tornado reunion 52 Big_Phil
Trey Interview in GQ 51 EatMyKazoo
Summer 2025 Tour 49 PlayingMantis
Phish Nominated for Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame 46 elkdog
Phish Nominated for Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame 45 WasteMyTimeWithYou
I need to vent, please. TL;DR inside. 45 ProfJibboo
RIP Tom Robbins 43 digunderrocks
Kendrick won and the squares are miffed 43 GuyutesCoat777
Things America is Dead Last In 43 Daddo
Paul McCartney at the Bowery Ballroom Tonight 41 fallsdevil
***Official Trump 2.0 Thread*** 41 YouEnjoyMyApparatus
Trey’s incredible solo output during the “dark years” 41 thefourthcolour13
Economic Blackout 41 ChrisB
Ticket prices increases to 40 latetotheshow
First show since '98 40 Squonks_Tears
Ticket prices increases to 39 DogsCanDance
***Official Trump 2.0 Thread*** 39 23piper
Saw my first Goose… 39 _UB40_
***Official Trump 2.0 Thread*** 38 23piper
****Official Trump 2.0 Thread v2**** 37 Phart_Door
and the hottest Dicks jam ever was..... 37 MomentsandSeconds
Gordo hitch hikes... 842 MyDoubleWantsToPullMeDown
mkdevo checking in 350 mkdevo
Nitrous Mafia got Stomped Last Night 346 frankstallone
Pretentiousness 342 careful_w_that_axe_Miller
Gordo hitch hikes... 325 Shmendrick
So I called Jerry Garcia... 324 Big_Phil
I will buy your up-vote for $1 in the op and donate it all to MBF 319 Joonze
She signed over the title 318 CamsMom
Cargo Shorts to Phish shows 300 Satan_on_the_beach
If you got tickets today, I just want to remind you that 289 frankstallone
Can we just stop the :: :: comments? 280 Grunkins
Just accidentally dropped a nice nug in the toilet 270 SkyTrainWand
Is Trey a pathological liar? 265 jezmund92
12/30/19 is not a four song second set 262 PhindingNaMo
Is Trey a pathological liar? 259 Superball
OK, Here is an old school story from 1991 258 Big_Phil
Pretentiousness 246 careful_w_that_axe_Miller
Getting a bonus next week, help me donate all of it to Mockingbird 241 ImStillUpsideDown
Showing Trey Gratitude For Our Recovery 238 CreatureoftheNight
Pretentiousness 235 ZapRowsdower
Hey Phish cancel tour already lots of your fans are now unemployed!!! 230 Superballin
15 years sober today- AMA 229 Jempphan
To the Railrider bitch who must always be by gordon, FU, you tried to ruin my buzz, but you didn't 227 dietpepsi is a non-commercial project run by Phish fans and for Phish fans under the auspices of the all-volunteer, non-profit Mockingbird Foundation.

This project serves to compile, preserve, and protect encyclopedic information about Phish and their music.

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